where. can you find out more?

We hope that here you have found lots of information to help you feel more confident in managing your HAE.

But if you would like more information for yourself or your family, friends and loved ones, you can find a list of useful websites below:


HAE UK is a patient organisation and charity that supports residents of the United Kingdom who have hereditary angioedema (HAE), and their families. HAE UK works closely with the  International HAE Patient Association (HAEi).

Visit www.haeuk.org


HAE Ireland is a community for patients with Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) and all other types of Angioedema, their families, medical professionals and anyone else who would like to connect with others to learn about HAE and Angioedema, help educate and create awareness in Ireland. HAE Ireland works closely with the global umbrella organization HAE International (HAEI).

Visit HAE Ireland Facebook

Visit www.haeireland.haei.org


All About HAE is a CSL Behring sponsored website that provides valuable information on understanding, managing and living with hereditary angioedema.

Visit www.allabouthae.co.uk